希少!未開封 輸入4CD+Blu-Ray♪キャット・スティーヴンス/Teaser and The Firecat★Super Deluxe Edition★Cat Stevens

希少!未開封 輸入4CD+Blu-Ray♪キャット・スティーヴンス/Teaser and The Firecat★Super Deluxe Edition★Cat Stevens 收藏

当前价格: 13000 日元(合 689.00 人民币)










开始时间:09/15/2024 21:00:07

个 数:1

结束时间:09/22/2024 21:00:07








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キャット・スティーヴンスがアイランド・レコーズで発表した3作目にして通算5作目となる1971年の名盤『Teaser and The Firecat』の50周年リイシューが5種類のマルチ・フォーマットで登場!

4CD/Blu-Ray スーパー・デラックス・エディション(CDエディション)
■108ページ ハード・カヴァー仕様エッセイ・ブック付
■ユスフとそのエンジニアであるDavid Heftiが提供した英アイランド制作オリジナル・ステレオ・マスター・テープからの最新リマスターをCDとBlu-Ray HD audioに収録。オリジナル・プロデューサーPaul Samwell-Smithの全面監修による、アビイ・ロード・スタジオ・リマスター


※返品不可 (再生不良、中身違いは可。到着後1週間以内に詳細を連絡下さい。)

ディスク: 1
1The Wind
3If I Laugh
4Changes IV
5How Can I Tell You
6Tuesday's Dead
7Morning Has Broken
10Peace Train

ディスク: 2
1The Wind (Dubville Sessions 2020)
2Rubylove (Studio Demo)
3If I Laugh (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
4Changes IV (Studio Demo)
5How Can I Tell You (Studio Demo)
6Tuesday's Dead (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
7Morning Has Broken (Basing Street Rehearsal, 1975)
8Bitterblue2 (Reimagined 2021)
9Moonshadow (Olympic Studio Demo, 1970)
10Peace Train (Extended String Mix, 1971)
11The Day They Make Me Tsar (Studio Demo)
12I Want to Live in a Wigwam
13Fisherman Song (Studio Demo)
14Changes IV (Studio Demo)
15Tuesday's Dead (Alternate Mix, 1971)
16Morning Has Broken (Studio Demo)
17Bitterblue2 (Reimagined 2021)

ディスク: 3
1Moonshadow (BBC Radio Session, 8th November 1970)
2Tuesday's Dead (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
3How Can I Tell You (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
4Peace Train (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971
5Moonshadow (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
6Bitterblue (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
7Moonshadow (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
8Where Do the Children Play? (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
9Longer Boats (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
10Tuesday's Dead (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
11Sad Lisa (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
12Hard Headed Woman (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
13Father and Son (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
14If I Laugh (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
15Changes IV (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
16Moonshadow (Cat Stevens in Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
17Tuesday's Dead (Cat Stevens in Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
18How Can I Tell You (Cat Stevens in Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
19Bitterblue (Cat Stevens in Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
20Changes IV (Cat Stevens in Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)

ディスク: 4
1Intro (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
2Hard Headed Woman (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
3On the Road to Find Out (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
4Wild World (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
5Longer Boats (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
6Maybe You're Right (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
7Sad Lisa (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
8Miles from Nowhere (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
9Katmandu (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
10Lady D'arbanville (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
11Father and Son (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
12Where Do the Children Play? (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
13Peace Train (Live in Montreux, 2nd May 1971)

ディスク: 5
1Blu-ray - the Wind (HD Audio)
2Rubylove (HD Audio)
3If I Laugh (HD Audio)
4Changes IV (HD Audio)
5How Can I Tell You (HD Audio)
6Tuesday's Dead (HD Audio)
7Morning Has Broken (HD Audio)
8Bitterblue (HD Audio)
9Moonshadow (HD Audio)
10Peace Train (HD Audio)
11The Wind (Music Video)
12Moonshadow (Music Video)
13Longer Boats (Cat Stevens Live in Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971))
14Sad Lisa (Cat Stevens Live in Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971))
15Wild World (Cat Stevens Live in Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971))
16Katmandu (Cat Stevens Live in Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971))
17Lady D'arbanville (Cat Stevens Live in Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971))
18Where Do the Children Play? (Cat Stevens Live in Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971))
19Peace Train (Cat Stevens Live in Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971))
20Moonshadow (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971))
21Where Do the Children Play? (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971))
22Longer Boats (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971))
23Tuesday's Dead (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971))
24Sad Lisa (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971))
25Hard Headed Woman (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971))
26Father and Son (Out Front: Cat Stevens and Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971))
27If I Laugh (The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC TV) (5th October 1971))
28Changes IV (The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC TV) (5th October 1971))
29Moon Shadow (Cat Stevens in Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971))
30Tuesday's Dead (Cat Stevens in Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971))
31How Can I Tell You (Cat Stevens in Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971))
32Bitterblue (Cat Stevens in Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971))
33Changes IV (Cat Stevens in Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971))
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